Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog (02,03,2011)

Hi it's Cameron here!

School was good today! First I had Gym which is always fun, and then I Had a double block of Science, where we watched a movie called "Osmosis Jones" which was a good movie. And the rest of the day as the normal lunch, French, and Art.
Today was the last practice of academy soccer (football) and we just played games all session.
Not as cold as usual today, but it snowed again which we're all going to have to get out and shovel the driveway and/or deck. To shovel the deck I will probably just walk back and fourth a lot of times until the snow isn't the same height as me!

That's pretty much all the news for today. Thank you very much for reading this daily blog. This is Cameron signing off.

I will now attempt to type my name with my eyes shut, on an iPad, with my goes: cqjeeuv

............................................................that was a fail.

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